Sunday, January 6, 2013


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the view from my heels chapter One notes v1
A fashion designer way of life with CP

As I sat at my drawing desk based in Florida I was trying to figure out the next jewelry design I was going to make, It was the holiday season and I had custom orders coming in left and right
And so i was trying to Figure out what to draw so I decided to step outside my office on a beautiful terrace i Had made the decision Earlier that day to take pictures from mother earth such as palm trees and the hibiscus and all the other tropical flowers trying as to figure out my next jewelry design which was later going into Line of jewelry
To be showing in a private trunk show later that year.
As I sat in my naturally lit office looking out on the ocean and staring at all the beautiful
flowers of Florida with My office door open to my secretary desk
The phone rang I heard my secretary say Birch rose designed my secretary said as she picked up the phone
It was my best friend Zoe on the phone in aspen she said that i needed to
come out for a visit for three weeks in the summer those three weeks I would never forget, Before I moved to Florida to open up my jewelry design firm in 2005 I lived in Aspen as I was recovering from a operation in 1998 due to my cp. in That summer 1998 when I had my operation on left foot where they fuse the bones together and put metal in my feet They had done the right foot The summer of 1997 that pervious summer.
I jumped at the chance to go see Zoe
So with my personal assistant Jenny and my nurse Paddy to go and help me out with all my daily needs due to my disability and all my Apple toys including a 13 inch MacBook Pro With a digital Jewelry design program on it the next day We got a private jet out to Aspen The next day which was a Th. we drove up to Palm Beach From my office in Miami to catch our private jet out to Aspen It was only a 5 hour on the flight so I drew up some more Custom designs
When we all got to aspen Zoe had sent a car to the airport to pick us up It was a good thing because I had no clue where Zoe lived I had known since zoey she was five years old but when I Move away from Aspen Zoe lived at a different address then today when I came out to visit
turns out that now Zoe has moved into a 1.5 million ten bedroom modern home on red mountain that Zoe built and costumes from the ground up to meet her needs from dealing daily with having to suffer from cp.
, now you might be wondering how Zoe made her wealth Zoe is a CEO of dan can shard and hold the patin on the adaptive snowboard Zoe snowboards with her cp.
When I was in 97/98 recoving from a operation in Aspen, I learned how to snowboard too with this system on my snowboard too.
Now feeling that my body does better than so that's why I moved to Florida in 99 to open up my jewelry design firm birch rose designs
The 1st day of the vacation we went on a walk where upon I took pictures of every single Aspen leaf I could to Incorporate into my designs
Then we went to hear music played Zoe friends Mack and rich

When we got home I set myself up in Zoe office and made my empire to go to work on jewelry designs on my mac for three weeks to work on base those designed stuff based back in Florida I also took meeting with clients via Skype and FaceTime those clients on Mac
One day when we got home and I was working in Zoe office Zoe comes in and closes the door and sit down right next to me
then Zoe said to me my parents are getting divorced and I want to help you in the company birch rose designs I asked her what she wanted to do, "Zoe did you want to help was behind the scenes stuff at my jewelry design firm birch rose designs?"
or be a face for the joy design firm and go to a event with me? Zoe replied very nicely and said to me "I want to go to a events with you but I don't want to leave my home in aspen" I said to Zoe then this will be a big tricky if you want to be the face of the company but we can manage it through WebCams via face time
Zoe's answer to her problem and my answer to my question was a big hug to me
So when Zoe discuss what we would do with the lives we needed to call all families have a big FaceTime party Later that year Zoe would come down to Florida and see birch rose designs for her self in action I was so excited to have a new fresh face of the company that I went on my Design website and set Zoe a email address right away And gave Zoe admin access to our Facebook page and twitter account
But I had rule do not use my business account as your personal account so I had to give Zoe a confidentiality contract to sign saying that she wouldn't tell anyone about our upcoming designs for this as I came up with new Jewelry designs for each season which Zoe thought was pretty funny because the only season we have in Florida is summer
I told Zoe we have design for all seasons because Are Fans don't live in Florida all year round
The day after that conversation between Zoe and I Jenny Zoe and I sit down to figure out logistics of this new venture before we have all our luncheon luminal hotel I told Zoe that she can't get paid in iTunes even though she really wants to get payed In iTunes cards
On The way to lunch Zoe text message text her mom to ask her how she feels about Zoe not getting paid in Starbucks cards
Zoe: mom How do you feel about win not paying me in Starbuck's card?
card even though I really want win too
2 min later
A text Zoe's mom Saying
And why do you really want win to pay you in Starbucks?

Zoe: Because I want to buy myself coffee drinks
Zoe's mom
You can buy more things with real money then you can with Starbucks?
Zoe :(
Zoe's mom text back I would like you to have real money from win ok?
Zoe Text back to Her ok I understand

At that luncheon Jenny and I talk about payment with Zoe and her abilities as a face to the company Birch rose designs
When we open it up for questions from Zoe she we immediately asked do I have to come down to FL that often because I want to snowboard?
Jenny asked Zoe how about we come up with a plan for you and when and I to meet weekly but you all may have to make the trip down to find out once a month, and because Jenny has a hard time understanding Zoe I told them both I would be Zoe's translator
Zoe liked that idea

chapter two

" when you get a fresh face into birch rose jewelry design firm"
the view from my heels chapter two

" when you get a fresh face into birch rose jewelry design firm"
When I went out to aspen to see Zoe I needed a fresh start with jewelry firm so by the time I left aspen Zoe had given me new fresh start and now the amazing thing was I got to see my those designs through Zoe eyes
When Jenny and I would have weekly meetings with Zoe I would try to show Zoe my next jewelry design
I had Zoe to let help me come up with Jewelry design that next month too
As was the fresh face of the company.
In a weekly meetings I let Zoe pick the date she was going to come down she said I want to come down and celebrate my birthday with you in Miami
I said let me work on that I did not tell Zoe I was sending Out Jeff who Private jet pilot with my Jet
Zoe said that she wanted to come down to Miami on the third of march I said to her I can try make that happen
Ok Zoe said
When I got off the phone with Zoe I called my pilot to see if He was available
On a side note I have explained that I do have a plan but I don't have a pilot all the time I use a pilot service
Just send it to Jeff said he was on march third
Now the reason why needed a new facefor the company is because I wanted to do more of that Jewelry design stuff I didn't want to do both I didn't event and design jewelry that way to much for me to do if I wanted To design the best jewelry with my abilities in having cerebral palsy As I am not the best with my hands

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Black Birch Dr,Aspen,United States

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